Did you know only 39% of Americans can cover a $1,000 unexpected expense without borrowing? Everybody needs an emergency fund. Let us help you develop a cushion so you are better prepared when you need it most. 

Special Savings accounts give you the flexibility to save for your own specific needs such as education, a vacation or real estate taxes. It's your choice!

Everyone needs to start somewhere, let GLCU help you build a better future for you and your family!

Benefits/Requirements include:

  • Start earning daily dividends once the balance is $100 or more

View Current Rates

Effective Date: Saturday, February 8, 2025

* APY = Annual Percentage Yield. All dividend rates and APY may change at any time, as determined by GLCU Board of Directors. The APYs shown above assume that all principal and dividends remain on deposit for the entire term. Fees could reduce earnings on the above accounts.

**Tier 1: Checking accounts with 0-19 debit card transactions per month will earn 0.05% APY. Tier 2: Checking accounts with 20-39 debit card transactions per month and enrolled in e-statements will earn APY on balances up to $10,000. Tier 3: Checking accounts with 40 or more transactions per month and e-statements will earn APY on balances up to $10,000. The dividend rate may be calculated using two different rates. The dividend rate will appear as a blended APY on your monthly statement.