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CommunityJune 18, 2020
Dear GLCU Employee-Owners,
It has now been nearly 100 days since the COVID-19 pandemic began. It has had a significant impact on our employees and operations, our communities and on the credit union industry.
These past 100 days have certainly been challenging for both our personal lives and careers. On behalf of the Board of Directors of Great Lakes Credit Union, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all staff and the leadership for their steadfast commitment throughout the crisis. Your actions have been nothing short of exemplary, and we are extremely grateful for your loyal support.
First and foremost, we would like to thank you for what you have already done to both prepare for and weather this crisis. We recognize and appreciate the teamwork exhibited to come together to serve our members, the heart of GLCU. We would like to recognize, in particular, our frontline employees. Your commitment has been critical at this time to maintain business continuity.
The Board would also like to reassure you that as an organization we are resilient, and we will navigate the recovery phase together. Over the course of our history, GLCU has encountered and overcome many challenging moments, and we will overcome this one too.
On behalf of the Directors, I would also like to acknowledge and address recent events and the current unrest in the world. We appreciate everyone’s individual rights and applaud the efforts of many to seek justice and peacefully express their views. Under the Board’s direction, GLCU embraces our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. The Board is proud to support all of our diverse communities, and as we continue to evolve, the DEI commitment will be enhanced for our members and employees. The key to this is the Respect we offer each other: staff, member and community.
I am proud and inspired by the way our Credit Union has risen to challenges, with flexibility, resilience, courage and a caring heart. Thank you for your enormous contributions. Let’s continue to work together across all areas of the organization to make this one of our finest hours.
With the continued support of all of you, the next 100 days will provide a clear path to an even brighter future.
Thank you, and be well.
Stephen Park
GLCU Chairman of the Board